We arrived in Billings yesterday afternoon. My parents, John's mom, Ashley, my Aunt Gina, Uncle Tom and my friend Nikki met us at the airport. I had told my FCC family that we would arrive in at 1:30 instead of 1:03, so all of Maddie's China sisters and their moms came little late. They brought her wonderful welcome home signs.
The girls did a great job on the flights, Maddie slept most of the Hong Kong to San Francisco flight. She was so good and it made our trip go so much easier than we were expecting.
We were expecting trouble the first couple of times buckling her in her carseat for the first time. I am not sure why we expected it to be such a big deal, she has been so easy going about everything else. She just snuggled in and looked around and we were off. We had all decided that we wanted Mexican for our first meal home. We enjoyed a great meal at Don Louis and then headed home.
We forced ourselves to stay awake until 8, except we had not changed our clocks before we left so it was really nine. Maddie woke up at 2:30 for a bottle and then played with Ashley for an hour. She then slept until 8. Bless Ash's heart, she played with her and fed her so we could sleep. Finally at noon I drug myself out of bed. John and the girls slept a while longer. We've had a few visitors and just started unpacking and hanging out. It feels so good to have Maddie home and to sleep in our own beds. I only have a few photos from the airport for now, I will have to get copies from everyone who was there. Pretty please. Thanks so much for all of your support and prayers, we can't wait to share Maddie with all of you.
Welcome home! I'm sure it never looked so good.
Congratulations Dudley Family! Noelle told us about your blog and I read it start to finish. Maybe it is a good thing you weren't "great" about keeping it up. I've been at this over an hour! Your new baby girl Maddie is gorgeous. Such an amazing life story she already has. God bless you all. I know your LONG wait was well worth it.
Kim & Larry Smith
I'm so glad to hear you made it home safely & that Maddie has done so well with all the travels! Can't wait to meet her in person!
Glad you are all home safe. Abby is so excited to meet her new cousin as are the rest of us! Hopefully, we can get together sooner than later (as we always say).
Welcome home and congrats! What a cutie!
Happy 1 month home. :)
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