Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thirty Nine Months

I thought I would switch things up a little for this month! Clever huh! Yeah well, how many things can you really add to a monthly count down... On a brighter note, we are 39 months closer to our daughter, we have approval for another 18 months, and fingerprint approval for 15 more months. Oh and there are only 6 more LID's left until March is completely matched. Come on CC*A, match some babies!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Last first day and more first day of school

A took her last first day of school photo, I have taken one each year since preschool. Maybe I will get inspired and post them.

LL & M also started their first day of school, even with homeschooling I think it is important to mark a first and last day. We dress up and enjoy getting back into our school routine, we have switched things up this year and all in all it went pretty well. M was under the weather and slept most of the afternoon, but L was able to get through every thing. I am hoping to start a homeschooling blog soon, I think it will be a fun way to mark our progress and achievements throughout the year.

We have approval! Again!!!

We just received our 3rd immigration approval today! I didn't even recognized the form, I thought maybe we had to supply more information! We have approval until February 20, 2011, yikes! That would be a 57 month wait, I can't even imagine. Hopefully I won't have to.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Get your verse on giveaway!!

How cute are these new kids shirts? Go on over and give them a look-see, my wish list is getting longer and longer!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Third times a charm???

J and I trecked to Helena for our 3rd (yes 3rd) fingerprinting appointment. We were in an out in 15 minutes and back on the road home. Hopefully this third 171 will be the charm.