Yesterday we traveled 2 1/2 hours to Laibin and Xingbin (shin bin) SWI. This is where Maddie's orphanage and finding place were. David our guide arranged a van for John, & I our girls, Paul, Chuck and Karis. Karis is Maddie's little China sister. They are 2 weeks apart and both from Xingbin. We left at around 8 and arrived around 10:30, it was a long drive in the rain. It was scary driving down the highway without seatbelts and carseats. We had no choice but to just hold on tight to the babies! On our way back when we were stopped at a light we were rear-ended. It did not do any damage, but did startle us. Please keep praying for our safety. Laibin is a very mountainous area with beautiful trees and rocky hill sides.
It was a very humbling experience, the area where the orphanage is was very poor and dirty. There were children returning from school and walking through mud holes and down dirt streets. The directors and nannies are doing an incredible job, they are making the very best out of a difficult situation. There are no children in the orphanage right now, they are all in foster care. They currently have about 25 children in foster care. The SWI also cares for the elderly and infirm. We saw many elderly people sitting around eating and playing games. They had a small medical center and a physical therapy area where their special needs children come back on Sunday's for therapy.
The nannies and directors were so gracious with the girls. They truly loved them. It is so reassuring to know that she has been loved while she was waiting to be matched. We are starting to see the love we are giving returned. It is a truly remarkable experience, she is just blossoming before our very eyes. She could not roll over when we she was placed with us. Now, 4 days later she is rolling over front to back and back to front with no problem. I have had to work with the girls a little. They expect her to be able to do the things a 9-10 month old should be able to do. But, in reality she is at about where a 6-7 month old is developmentally. Mentally she is right on target, she is very bright. When you show her something one time she has it. I have every confidence that she will be caught up by her first birthday.
Glad that the only thing you got was startled during the rear-ending. And the rolling over is definitely cause for celebration!
WOW Lyndsey. She is beautiful and I love reading your story of visiting the orphanage and what it is like there and how they loved her so much. The pictures are so telling. Enjoy every moment and know that I'm following along every day. I am so happy for you. Enjoy this amazing experience with your beautiful family :) Katy
hi guys. im so glad you guys are doing this blog so we can all know how you re doing! how awesome to know that Maddie had been in a good place. praying for your safety. Cant wait to see Maddie and Drew grow up together. love you.
Hello,i think we have a daughter form the same prphanage in Laibin city.Any chance I could contact you and see if our girls were together.And we could see some pictures. Annedonohue4@gmail.com we went to nanning Late december 2010.
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