I have been very good at following blogs, but very lax at writing my own. So for 2009 I decided to write that in as part of my New Year's Resolution. Which I also never do! So here it goes:
- 1. Participate in CK's Project 365 - Take a photo everyday, of every day life. I really want to get back into photos of my kids and think this is the perfect way to accomplish this.
- 2. Stay current with this blog, it is my habit to check google reader every day, but for the life of me I can't seem to write consistently. I know the more I write the better I will get, even if no one is reading it!
- 3. Lose 5-10 pounds, I know this is on every one's list, but it really needs to happen before it becomes an even bigger problem.
- 4. Stay on top of my house better. My new iroomba should help in that dept.
- 5. Work on my albums, I want to get proficient in digital scrapbooking.
And in the adoption front we are at 31 months today! Yesterday saw another batch of referrals, Hurray! Congratulations to all those that got the call and shared it with all of us still waiting.