I seem to only post on our monthly LID anniversary. Last month I missed it over vacation and this month I missed it over a new puppy. After much deliberation we named our new golden retriever puppy Kimber. She is very sweet, and I think is preparing me for getting up in the middle of the night. She is now at 10 weeks sleeping through the night, however I am now up for the day at 5. We have started walking in the early morning and I think it will work out best when school starts soon anyway.
In adoption news, just waiting to see what the next batch of referrals is. Hoping they make it far, but just not getting on the roller coaster...
Our oldest daughter is preparing to leave for college. She has an interview hopefully tomorrow for a great job on campus. She is getting excited to start this new adventure. I know she is going to do great. We will miss her, but she is ready.
So I am thinking about changing the name of my blog. I am wondering if I name it something family related and not specific to adoption if I will post more. I think part of me is guarded after so long waiting. Like I don't want to fully go there until I have a referral in hand. Not sure, still thinking...
Dh and I celebrate our 17th anniversary this weekend. So amazed that it has been that long, yet seems like forever. Love him to pieces, can't imagine being married to anyone else.
Well enough update, will post when news of referrals come in. I have so many May LID buddies that I can't wait to see matched. I am sure I will spend referral day in tears. I can't even imagine what it will be like when it is our turn. Sigh...